A Workshop Tour of Europe: France (Part 1)

The Roaming Photographer

The last country on my European tour was not in the initial plan. My original plan was to visit a friend in Croatia, and I was really excited about it. However, plans changed on his end, which left me with a whole week left in Europe and nowhere to go. Luckily, my Aussie friend Brooke had reached out to me and offered to let me stay with her at a chateau in France that she was house-sitting for. Of course, it didn’t take me long to make my decision, and I booked my tickets from Berlin to Bordeaux–my first time traveling between countries solo.


I slept overnight in the Brussels airport, which is something I’d never done before. It was a beautiful airport, with long lounge chairs and walls that were made out of windows. It was the perfect airport to sleep in, if you had to choose anyway. I…

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